Emma 22nd May 2019

Joe/Giuseppe - I’ve known you since you were a baby and have many many fond memories of you. I’ll always remember when you had a sleepover with me (and your teletubbie) and how I worried that I’d had to change a 💩 nappy - I’d never ever done it. Thankfully you held out until your Mum collected you (thanks Joe). There was also the time you walked around the flat and you were eating a roll on deodorant (classic), it still makes me giggle. You grew to be an amazing, loyal and hilarious young man and will be missed greatly by everyone you knew. I always used to pretend I was cool and down with the kids when I saw you - we obviously know the truth, but you always humoured me lol. Every day did your family proud and were the best son anyone could ever want. Sleep tight Joe; I love you very much, love flemmy xx